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Southfork Racing Bike Shop Supported schemes

Here at Southfork we are signed up to a majority of the cycle schemes currently running.

The schemes we are currently signed up to are:

Cycle Scheme, Bike to Work Scheme, Green Commute Initiative, Halfords Cycle to Work,Cycle Plus and the NHS.

Below are two examples of how easy it is to sign up to a cycle scheme and ride away with a new bike and accessories.

Cycle To Work Scheme:

Tax is complicated; the cycle to work scheme is not. You choose a bike, hire it for an agreed length of time, then snap it up for a fraction of its original value. It's like a year-round sale, with interest free credit available.

Cyclescheme have worked hard to provide a transparent and easy to understand process. There are just four steps to go through to get a bike for work through Cyclescheme.

1. Choose your Cyclescheme package

What bike and equipment do you want? Consider your commute. How far is it? What route will you take? Be honest with yourself. What are your priorities? What accessories might you need? These are all questions you should ask yourself as you prepare to revolutionise your commute! Firstly, decide on the package that suits you.

2. Get your gear

Your employer will review your your application and pay for your Cyclescheme package, you will then receive an email containing your eCertificate. Once you have your eCertificate you can then exchange it for your bike and/or accessories in-store.

3. Choose an ownership option

When your Hire Agreement and salary sacrifice ends, you can keep your Cyclescheme package by making a small additional payment.

The Green Commute Initiative:

Break free from horribly congested, polluted car commutes with a Tax Free e-Bike.

A revolutionary new cycle to work scheme is making it happen. With no £1000limit, any bike of any value is possible.

The Green Commute Initiative is a revolutionay new cycle to work scheme perfect for e-bikes. It offers up to 42% savings on bike for employeesas part of the Government's Green Transport plan but without a £1000 limit! There is also no 7% fee at the end of the scheme if employees want to own the bike.

How it works:

As an employee getting your bike is simple, your employer will provide you with a voucher to hire a commuting package of your choice. The package can contain an e-bike or an ordinary bike as well as safety equipment, clothing, accessories, tools and spares.

The cost of your voucher is repaid via salary sacrifice. Depending on your tax rate, you'll save either 32% or 42% on the cost of the package.

Because the salary sacrifice peroid is independent of the hire period, depending on your employer, you can normally choose 6, 12, 18 or 24 month periods. So you can afford a really decent quality e-bike.

Due to the commision the different schemes take from ourselves for you to benifit, we may not be able to offer a bike that is on sale on the cycle to work scheme.